Sunday, July 22, 2012

Exciting Days #2 part 2

Part 1 is here.       My blog about my life after this can be found Here.

Ava was here but there was something instinctual in me saying I'm not done yet. They say the placenta just comes out and you don't really realize it. Well my doctor was still there with the cord in his hand and a "hmmm this is different" look on his face. I was still in a lot of pain. I asked him if everything was ok and he said yes the placenta was just having a hard time coming out. Before I knew it I was in worse pain than I was when I had her. I remember him saying "its inside out" and there were a few extra nurses there. Then all of a sudden I saw this bloody blob of something (my uterus) come out of me and a look of terror in the doctors eyes. He immediately tried to stuff it back in. That is when the true screaming and pain began. Oh my gosh. It hurt worse than the worse contraction, worse than trying not to push, worse than the ring of fire. At this point everything starts to run together. He called the anaesthesiologist to come. People were running all over. I remember looking past all this to my mom holding Ava with a look of panic and thinking is this going to be the last time I see them. The anaesthesiologist comes and does his shpeal about all the risks we gave verbal consent and off I was to the OR.

I was wheeled down the hall to the OR and there were people coming out of the woodwork. It hurt sooo bad. They push me in there and there were even more people. I started to go in and out here so all I remember are snipits. They moved me to a different table. I prayed that my children wouldn't be motherless. My blood pressure was dropping. Everything hurt. The big light over head in my face. Then I was gone. I was in a white tunnel trying to find the way out. The tunnel started changing colors like a video game and all of a sudden I was trying to find the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. (I blame Zoey for that one.)

Then all of a sudden I heard familiar voices. I heard Zoey. I tried to say something but all that could come out were moans. I started to wake up for moments at a time and just remember seeing the clock. I could tell Chris was on my side holding my hand. It felt good, like everything was going to be ok. Then I would go out again. But this time I was picturing my family at the bottom of the room with a curtain separating them from me playing parlor games. Then I would wake up and see the clock again. Then out. I don't know how long this happened. Then I was back for good. I could feel someone else hold my hand it was my mom. I kept my eyes closed for the most part trying to process what just happened and asking lots of the same questions. Everyone came over to see me. It was strange because I still didn't really know what happened. Slowly things started to clear up. I remember them saying they were going to give Ava a bottle, and that was the first time I remembered "oh yea, I have two kids now." It was kinda crazy. Its like I forgot all about the last 9 months of pregnancy and day of being in labor.

I couldn't move my arms because I had who knows what. One arm had my regular IV and blood pressure cuff. The other had something around it and my blood transfusion. I was really cold and they kept putting billions of blankets on me. But I couldn't really talk because I had Oxygen on. I was kinda in rough shape. Everyone slowly trickled out and it was just Chris and I. They took Ava to the nursery and I fell asleep.

My nurse came in around 4:30 before shift change and explained everything to me when I was a little more with it.
The placenta never detached from the uterus so when it came out it dragged it with it and turned it inside out, kinda like when you pull a sock from the toe to get it the right way. He tried to put it back in, that's when It really hurt. But since I was loosing so much blood and in so much pain they had to rush me to the operation room. The problem lies in the fact that once the placenta is no longer there the cervix starts to close up, so time is crucial. At that point there were three possibilities. He could manually get it back.if it was open enough. Cut me open like a csection and get it through that way. or if those didn't work hysterectomy. There is technically 4 possibilities if that didn't work and I kept bleeding out, but lets not think about that. Luckily I got away with the easy one. I did loose about 3 Liters of blood (the average person has about 5 or 6). And so I got 4 blood transfusions.

Apparently this is a super rare complication. My doctor has had it happen 3 other times in his 25 years. I had nurses say they had been in Labor and Delivery for 5 years, 12 years ect and had never seen it happen. Needless to say I was the talk of the nurses station. ....And that's saying something because I know triplets were born Wednesday too. Inverted Uteruses are pretty crazy I guess.

I am recovering well just like a normal delivery at this point. I will probably be a little more tender than average. And I get these dizzy spells, which they think is due to all my blood loss and transfusions. But I can generally just sleep them off and I am fine. Ava is beautiful and Zoey is so in love. With everything that went down I wasn't able to hold her for 5 hours, so I was kind of worried about breast feeding. In fact that was one of the reasons why I wanted a natural birth in the first place, so she could be with me skin to skin right away. But lo that wasnt in the cards this week. I am so lucky to be here and raise my two little girls and enjoy my life as a family.

Exciting Day #2 part 1

So I had a pretty awesome day Tuesday, getting into the nursing program and all the day before I have a baby. I couldn't stop smiling all day. Tuesday night I got very little sleep. One time my mind would be racing about nursing, the next about labor and delivery, the next about Zoey with her new baby sister, and sometimes about how the heck am I going to do it all in 5 short weeks. Needless to say I was up before my alarm.

We leave a little early at get to the hospital about 10 minutes early. The front desk gets my information and signs me in and tells me to wait. So we sit down and wait and wait, then the charge nurse comes over and asks if they told us to call before we came in. Obviously not. There wasn't enough room for me at the time but there should be at noon, so I was to call at 11:30. Lovely. Not what i wanted to hear. So we leave and go to Chris' family's house to see Zoey and take a nap. We went to Arby's to eat and pass the time. I call at 11:30 and the charge nurse is busy and they say she will call back. By this time I wonder if I should have just stuck with the 7 instead of this roller coaster of going in or not. She finally calls at 12 and says to come in at 2. Finally!!!

We get there and they send me back and get me all set up. The pictocin starts a little before 3. I was dilated to a 2.5 when they started me. That was surprising since I was only a 1 on Monday. Shift change is at 5 and I got a new nurse who had a natural birth for all three of her children so she said she would help me out. She told me everything to expect. 1-6 is the longest, around 7 is transition, and after that it is hard and generally when people change their mind about the natural thing. I was really worried about the pushing and how that will go. She told me the ring of fire is probably the worst part of it. So there I was fully informed on how my labor and delivery will be.

I hang out in the bed for a while watching tv and listening to my ipod. I found it helped to turn up my music and sing when a contraction hit. So I was constantly putting my earbuds in and out because I wanted to hear what was going on but needed them ready at a moments notice. The nurse got me a birthing ball which was nice. It felt a lot better to be able to bounce than just sitting there. My doctor came in about 6:30 and broke my water. My contractions started getting a lot more intense almost immediately. I just kept bouncing away listening to Cute is What We Aim For. They had the only song I could find that had the right tempo, but didn't change or have much just music time. So I don't know how many times I listened to Curse of Curves. But it put me in the Zone to get trough them without too much uncomfort. Chris made fun of me a lot when he heard the SAME song again. I got checked again at 8:30 and was a 6! That was surprising. It took me 10 hours with Zo to go from a 2-3, so 5 hours to get to 6 was aweeeesome.

The contractions were starting to get a lot more painful, so my nurse showed me different positions I could try. Some helped, some were awkward, and some were just strange. At about 10 I was a 7 and my doctor text my doctor to let him know how things were going. An hour later I was still a 7 and I was wearing down. My nurse at this time got rid of her other patient so she could just be with me. I was very grateful for this. She would show Chris things to do, but it always felt so much better when she did it. I started shaking. Transition! Around 1130 (I'm just kind of guessing at the times here. I wasn't paying that much attention) she checked at I was about 7.5. It hurt so bad. I wasn't getting much time between contractions and they were super painful. I started thinking that I wouldn't be able to do much more. My nurse was so supportive and talked me through each contraction- only 30 seconds and its over, you are through the hard part ect. She checked me again around midnight because I was starting to feel some pressure but didn't think I was feeling "the pressure." I was still about the same part was an 8 and part was still the same. She could see the disappointment and frankly terror to hear that. She asked if I wanted some fentinol to take the edge off, which I agreed to. But when she checked me I thought I was going to pee, so I went to the bathroom. I didn't have to go after all, but sitting on the toilet felt kinda good. while I was in there she started setting up. I started to feel even more pressure so she called in anyone she could to help her. I remember her telling me whatever I do don't bare down for anything. All of a sudden I had lots and lots of pressure and I knew that the bathroom probably wasn't the best place anymore. I somehow managed to get back to the bed with Chris's help. She checked me and sure enough I was complete. She had the charge nurse call my Doctor. Nurses were running around getting everything else set up while my nurse sat there with me telling me not to push. After what seamed like forever he still wasn't there, she made sure the charge called and I guess she didn't realize just how fast baby was coming so she said she would call and tell him to get there stat. At that point she started talking about how she has delivered a few of his babies. She had gloves on and was giving counter pressure to keep her in. I kept saying I'm sorry I can't help but to push, which was the honest truth. That was the hardest part of the whole birth up til that point. He walked in the door gowned up and was there. One contraction and well they don't call it the ring of fire for nothing. Holly Cow. Ring of Fire is a nice way to put it. The only thing going on in my mind is she better get out now so this is over. I felt her head come out and knew just a little bit more and she would be born and BAM Ava was laying on my belly. It didn't feel real at all. I think I was just trying to get through the fact that I just went through all that pain and there was my sweet reward. I knew I still had the placenta to deal with so I just watched as they took her and did all that fun stuff. I did it. I had a natural childbirth. Something I wasn't able to do with Zoey.

Part 2 is here.

Exciting days #1

Tuesday started out like any other day. Zoey and I watched Mickey Mouse in my bed because she woke up at 6 for some reason and I was not about to start the day that early. We ended up both falling asleep after a few hours. A little after 11 I got a phone call from an unknown local number. I really didn't want to answer it and just go back to sleep since Zoey was still asleep and I was going to the hospital the next day to be induced. But I did anyway.

"Hi, is this Alicia"
"This is she."
"This is Becky from the DATC practical nursing program....we just had someone drop the program and you are next on the list. Are you interested and be able to start August 27th?"

UHHHH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! I've only been waiting for years.

"Oh, and you did get get accepted for spring, so you could do that too."

If been waiting for years to get into a program and in one call I find out I get accepted twice.

I tell her I needed to make a phone call and will call her back and let her know.


So I call Chris to see if I should do August or wait for January. He told me he would support any decision I make. ....what a wonderful husband. :)

I go upstairs to tell Brittany and before I get it out I get another phone call from a local unknown number. So I answer it.

"Hi, is this Alicia"
"This is"
"Hi this is so and so from the *hospital, I was wondering if you could come in at 9 in the morning instead of 7 for the induction."

Oh you want me to come in 10 hours earlier, meaning I will see my baby 10 hours earlier. OK!

I told her I needed to make a phone call and make sure that Zoey will be taken care of, even though I knew she would be.

So I call up Chris and tell him and then ask Brittany if she can watch her. Obviously they both said yes. So I called them and said I will take the morning. And then I call DATC and say YES I will start the 27th. She wanted me to come in and get some paperwork and such sometime this week, so i obviously said that afternoon.

So in a matter of 10 minutes my life changed quite a bit!!!

I am officially a nursing student. And a little overwhelmed to have to get everything done in such a short amount of time. But its a good thing I got Chris home all week next week to help me out and hopefully we can get it all done. woop woop!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

From her mouth

We were talking to Zoey about "baby sister." We  told her that she was once in mommy's tummy too. She told us no, thats baby sister. So we asked her how she got here.... ready for it??

"a red and yellow chuchu train."

I guess thats one way to tell her where babies come from when she asks later on in life.....

Sunday, July 1, 2012

well well well....sleep

Last weekend I went camping. Yes, at 36 weeks pregnant I was sleeping on the ground with rocks and baby girl kicking me in unknown places. But I figured I don't sleep anyway, I might as well have fun not sleeping. And somehow, as if guarded by a silent magic wand, had my first heartburn free night in months. Thanks goodness.

And that brings me to tonight. Its 2:30 in the morning. And I am awake. I have run out of things to do. While at the time, Olive Garden sounded like a great choice for dinner, my heartburn at the moment is telling me otherwise. I am so tired of sleeping on 5 pillows.

My toddler has been sick this week with first hand foot and mouth, and then an ear infection. So being the pushover mommy I am have let her sleep in our bed if she comes in the middle of the night. And who am I kidding...thats every night. She sleeps just like her daddy. Which means very soundly but with no consideratrion of the person who is sleeping on the last 2 inches of bed with half her body hanging over the side. And so me, in my brilliant sleeping stuppor, decided to sleep in her room on the floor. And for some reason able to sleep better than I have the past month or so. Are you seeing a pattern? In fact, the whole family slept in til 11 the other day. yes. 11. Usually thats when we are thinking about nap time, but we were just getting up. How does that happen?

And so here I am, 9 months in my watermellon suit, slightly wishing I get kicked out of my bed so I can sleep on the ground. I say this even after I have seen 3 spiders roaming around in last couple of days. Now that is saying something.