See these examples:
1-THE diaper.

You know the one I'm talking about. Like when you are at the grocery store and there is a screaming child on the other end of the aisle. It's not the screaming that notifies you that there is a unhappy 1 year old down there, but rather the stench she left behind when she was sitting right where you are standing looking for the butter beans. It just so happens that that poor, unhappy child will soon get her diaper changed. And her poor, unhappy mother will unleash the fury within the diaper. This is the moment that being able to breath solely with one's mouth is a servival skill.
2-What goes down, tends to come up.
Chrildren throw up. It happens. And when it happens it just so happens to get all over your hair, feet, shirt, airmpit.... And cute, sick baby decides its squishyness is fun to play with and rub in the carpet, and then do it again. Yay more squishy stuff!!! Obviously, you can't rely her to clean it all up. And so you must do so without throwing up yourself. And so mommy survival skill comes up again...pardon the pun.
3-The husband
Husbands do silly things. My husband likes to take a lot of left overs to work. He also likes to come inside our house as fast as possible once he gets home from work. This makes him forget his tuperwear containers from his lunch, and so every Friday he cleans out his car and brings them all in for ME to clean. Some smell kinda grose. But tolerable, especially with my new skill.
Sometimes when it snows he takes my car because it is 4 wheel drive. And so his weekly car cleaning doesn't involve my car. And my car is full of clothes and baby bags and snacks and school stuff. (I basically live in my car). Things tend to get pushed to the side to make room for something else. Well sometimes, like today, I have enough time to reorganize my car and Chris's little prizes show up. Sometimes, also like today, Tupperware with a whole chicken from almost 2 weeks ago makes its appearance. Lucky for me it has been pretty cold so it wasn't as nasty as it could be. But opening the Tupperware container was done the correct, non-nosed way.
There are many other times this comes in hand, such as throwing away the garbage with said diaper or chicken. Or sleeping with a husband her just had the butter beans he was looking for. I'm not too sure when I acquired this mommy superpower, but I'm sure glad I did.
ewwww....oh yea, the amazing sense of smell that mom's seem to acquire. And dad's too. My husband can smell a dirty diaper from the other side of the house and 2 floors in between ;)
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