Tuesday, November 1, 2011

mini rant

My friend announced she was pregnant on facebook by posting a picture of an ultrasound. (Which is the second picture of its kind in the last 2 weeks to pop up on my facebook, apparently that's the way to break the news now days.... anywayzzzzz) I commented on it, so I got all the notifications and whatnot. About 30 comments down someone said "I have to ask....was it planned?"

For some reason, that ruffles my tail feathers. I think if you aren't close enough to know the answer, you shouldn't be asking it. What does it matter if it is planned or not? A child is a child, whether the parents decided it was time, or if Heavenly Father decided for them. My friend was obviously excited about it, so the fact that her baby was planned or not held nothing in terms of.....anything.

Perhaps the reason it bugs is that I had a conversation with this individual when I was pregnant, and it was basically about the same thing.

....perhaps she has been trying for a while. And in that respect a planned pregnancy is slightly easier to deal with emotionally than an oops?? I guess I can take that. But perhaps a picture comment isn't the best way to deal with it.

Goodness, I'm not even pregnant and peoples comments are already buggin me. That's not a good sign for when the next one blesses us in 50 years.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. "If you're not close enough to already know the answer, then you shouldn't be asking."

    That right there is the very essence of tact, and it's amazing how many people miss it entirely.

    Also I'm picturing you with feathers, and it's funny.


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