Friday, May 4, 2012

How I Met Your Father Part V

I'm sure I left you all waiting with anticipation as to the conclusion of my story. I'm sorry. I had this writed forever ago but never posted it for some unknown reason. For those of you who haven't read the full story go here for part I.

Anywho, on with the show....

My mom and I drive down to my new school to finalize everything and find a place to live. We get a big list of apartments, and we start looking. First place, gross. Second place, blah. Third place? Super nice! We decide that this is it. It is close to campus, private rooms, and just perfect. We sign the contract right there and plan to move in a week or so later. They give me my room number and building right away. On our drive home I text Chris to tell him I found an apartment. I tell him the place and he asks if I talked to Andrea--which I did. That is the same place he is at! I tell him the building. We are in the same building! Only one floor apart. I got kind of excited that I had someone I knew so close to me just in case because I was starting to double guess my decision to move.

The time came for me to move. It was anti climatic. My mom was working and I just put everything in my car, said bye to my dad and drove off. I got there and called Chris and he and his two roommates came down to help me with all my stuff. I sat in my room thinking what have I got myself into. Boy was nervous that I would go off and find some boy there who would sweep me off my feet. Little did he know, I already met him. Chris invited me to come over for dinner, which I gladly accepted. I had no idea how to cook! I walk in and he has made steaks for everyone. A boy that can cook, and can cook something fancy like a steak? Maybe I wasn't going to starve this year!

The three boys decided to go bowling that night and invited me along. Of course I said yes. Once again I am waiting in line to pay, and here Mr. Chris comes and pays for me anyway. They decide to go by bowling names. Chris uses him usual nickname, which I thought was the strangest thing. I couldn't think of anything so they said to do my last name. We find out that our last names start with the same word. (For privacy reasons I'm leaving this out. Those of you who know me in real life know just how crazy this was as both are unique names) What are the odds of that???

I only stayed there that night and went back home to take a trip to Boise to see the best band ever. And so that trip had a lot of talking and thinking about my current relationship. I cannot disclose what happened on said trip in fear of a breach of best friend confidentiality, but I was left wanting one thing. To be single. That's not a normal reaction for me. Before that, the thought of being single scared me. Perhaps so much that that is why I stayed for so long....

I get back and go to boyfriend's niece's dance recital. And the whole time I was thinking this is not me, this is not where I want to be. But I only had a few hours, so I didn't do anything about it.

School started that week and I took that time soaking it all in, but apparently forgetting about my subtle thoughts the weekend prior because I so wanted to just go back home.

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