The first Twilight book sucked you in. You fall in love with the characters, the story line, Forks. You have no option but to keep reading the other books. (Now, anyways since they are all out for you to read).
*If you don't want to know what happens in the books I suggest you skip these next few paragraphs. But, I'm assuming if you haven't read them by now, you don't care too much....*
ou start New Moon and expect the same mythical lore that keeps you turning the pages like the first one. But its not there. Its boring. She is depressed. And there is no McDreamy McVampire for at least 1000 pages, or so it seams since it is soooo boring. But you keep reading because it just has to get better. And so you sit on the couch at 4 in the morning, just as you did Twilight. However, you addiction to this book has changed from "I love it and don't want it to end so I keep reading", to "I have to keep reading because I know it gets back to the good stuff that I loved." And then the book ends.

So now you are torn, you have just spent the last 56 hours straight reading a book and not paying attention to any other responsibilities, such as hygiene, children, eating. You can't just stop reading after such a crappy book; you have invested too much time already. And so you read the third one. It doesn't quite have the same lour as Twilight, but definitely better than New Moon. You kind of get into it and remember why you just waisted your life reading book 2 because vegetarian vampires are pretty intriguing. But, you know that Bella is going to choose Edward. She says she has no choice in the matter. So the whole Team Edward/Team Jake thing is kind of pointless because you know what team she is on. It gets a bit cheesy at points but you just move on until you finish the book.
So then the next thing you do is hurry and read Breaking Dawn. The wedding is cute. Aww tender. A bit on the dramatic side, but what ev. Then it just goes down hill from there. If it wasn't for the cute daughter there would really be no point in even knowing how it ends because the plot is just so out there and unrealistic. The reason why you started loving it in the first place is because you could totally see the scenario in the first book as "realistic," even though we all know there are no such things as vampires. But by the end of this last one we have wolf shape shifters, mention of werewolves, VAMPIRES, and half human creatures that grow at an exceptionally fast speed. Where did all this come from!? They survive, live happily ever after in their ridiculously overly romantic life with their overly developed daughter.
*You can continue reading if you skipped a few paragraphs*
You have successfully read all 4 books and go on with your life. Something tempts you to read them again, such as a movie coming out. And so you do knowing quite well what you thought about it. So maybe you decide to just read the first one since it was by far the best. But then it sucks you in AGAIN, and so the cycle continues and you finish the last page of the fourth book wondering how you went through that for the second, third, or forth time.
Glee is very much the same thing.

Season 2 starts and they have really great songs. Some relationships changed, new students. You are pretty much excited for this season. But as the episodes go on the plot takes a nose dive. Everything has turned to tribute episodes and sex with very little intriguing plot business in the middle. It gets sooo boring. Just like the second Twilight book, you just wait it out and hope it gets better. If it wasn't for the fun songs there really wouldn't be a reason to watch it. But you do. Religiously. Every Tuesday.
And so, in closing, I really hope Glee turns back around and stops trying to be shocking or have the most songs on the Top 200 for that week. I'm still a die hard Glee fan. I'm just getting a little annoyed that the Glee I fell in love with last year is not the Glee it is now. I do not want it to become like Twilight--loved by most despite being ridiculous in the end.