Monday, February 28, 2011


Tonight I tried the best new workout tonight.

Its called Tickle Monster Extreme.

First, you warm up by jumping off the stairs right in front of the fairy princess. This produces a giggly child that runs away from you.

You then run around the strange circle some brilliant architect created in your house for 30 minutes trying to do the Tickle Monster Attack.

During this thirty minutes there are spurts of hiding, crawling, laughing, and, of course, tickling!!!

After the Tickle Monster Extreme workout is over, you have successfully burned 10000 calories if done right, tired out the fairy princess, and spent the last 30 minutes having the best time in both of your lives.

PS- today was my last day at my job. I am now officially a stay at home mom...minus the whole student thing. And the substitute dance teacher thing. (Its amazing how new doors open at just the right time. I had interviewed for this dance school back in May. I had gone through 3 interviews and they said that they will get back to be to train to be a sub. Well, they never did. So I just shrugged it off. Then the day after I put my two weeks in, I got the call asking if I wanted to train. Its the perfect job for me. I can legitimately say no if I don't want to work. But I have the option to work if I need to. I taught for the first time last Thursday, it was so much fun!! They called me today but I had class. So I think it will be a good thing. I am so grateful for Heavenly Father listening to my prayers. This change is soooooooooo needed.)

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