Thursday, October 20, 2011

Not a very exciting story.

So Tuesday I went to the store to get dinner. They had their deli meat on sale so I decided to get stuff for French Dip Sandwiches the next night (last night). I was all excited because I was being prepared and I wouldn't have to run to the store again.

Well, last night Chris told me that his dad was going to stay with us because they were going to be working late. So in my infinite wisdom I ran to the store to get more bread because 4 rolls wasn't going to cut it for two meat lovin men. Zoey and I were super duper fast. She was well behaved. It was a perfect store run. I then ran over to my mom's to hang out for a little bit to kill time until dinner. Then Chris calls again and says that his dad wants a bell pepper and onion to put on his sandwich. And I needed more meet. (why didn't I think about that! grrrr) Dang, so off to the store again. This time I wasn't so lucky with Zoey. She ended up falling asleep on the way there, so she was miss grumpy gills for me waking her up. So we went to the bakery and got her a cookie. I am not above bribery with my child. Sometimes it is the only thing possible. lol. So she ended up just sitting on my purse eating her cookie while I got the last few things. The roast beef went off sale, so I ended up paying more for half the amount I got last night. bummer.

So, somehow I managed to go to the store twice in one day without a tantrum. I usually get like 4 in one trip. It was lovely. And then we got home. And perfect angel was no longer an angel.

The End.

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