Monday, March 12, 2012

21 things

Here is a list of 21 things I have on my mind right now.

1-I am hungry

2-I need to go to sleep.

3-I need to tell my dear readers some important things

4-I question my timing.

5-There is a baby in my future.

6-and when I say future, I mean in July. I'm over half way there.

7- 21 weeks actually, hence the 21 things.

8- I know someone who has been reading my blog has had "the itch" so I didn't want to put salt in it to make her feel sad/jealous/any other unpleasant emotion that is totally naturaly and understandable.

9- I've been there. I understand. I'm sorry.

10- But I figured it would be strange to all of a sudden start talking about another child in a few short months without metioning this important detail first.

11-I think I'm crazy because I am still trying to get into nursing school in August......with a 1 month old and a 2 year old.

12-I check the mail daily, even though I know the letter won't be there for another 2 weeks at least.

13-Work as a CNA while pregnant is starting to kill me. I don't know what I will do in a few months.

14-I hope that this is just a phase of my hips moving or something and once everything settles I won't feel like I ran a marathon every morning when I wake up.

15. The dr. said that baby was a boy early on.

16. He then revoked his answer and said girl.

17. My big ultrasound said the same thing.

18. We ask Zo where her baby sister is and she points to her bellybotton.

19. Chris is officially going to be outnumbered. (right now Zo doesn't count because she is too much of a tom boy. But even if this one is too, we can combine them together. And Chris is outnumbered.

20. I have a half innie half outie. I am going to miss my cute bellybotton.

21. I love my life.