Monday, February 28, 2011


Tonight I tried the best new workout tonight.

Its called Tickle Monster Extreme.

First, you warm up by jumping off the stairs right in front of the fairy princess. This produces a giggly child that runs away from you.

You then run around the strange circle some brilliant architect created in your house for 30 minutes trying to do the Tickle Monster Attack.

During this thirty minutes there are spurts of hiding, crawling, laughing, and, of course, tickling!!!

After the Tickle Monster Extreme workout is over, you have successfully burned 10000 calories if done right, tired out the fairy princess, and spent the last 30 minutes having the best time in both of your lives.

PS- today was my last day at my job. I am now officially a stay at home mom...minus the whole student thing. And the substitute dance teacher thing. (Its amazing how new doors open at just the right time. I had interviewed for this dance school back in May. I had gone through 3 interviews and they said that they will get back to be to train to be a sub. Well, they never did. So I just shrugged it off. Then the day after I put my two weeks in, I got the call asking if I wanted to train. Its the perfect job for me. I can legitimately say no if I don't want to work. But I have the option to work if I need to. I taught for the first time last Thursday, it was so much fun!! They called me today but I had class. So I think it will be a good thing. I am so grateful for Heavenly Father listening to my prayers. This change is soooooooooo needed.)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What does it matter

In the course of a life, what does it matter?

I read Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech for school, its a pretty good book. Not my favorite. BUT it did have these cute little fortunes, if you will. And one forture was In the course of a life, what does it matter?

It really got me thinking, what does it matter? I've been so stressed lately with work, school, applying to nursing school, family, birthdays, tantrums..... That I've kinda just been going on autopilot. I really need to stop and think. What does it matter if I have dishes waiting to be cleaned, when I have a daughter trying to get me to play with her? These moments aren't going to come back.

 I'll always get another dirty dish, I won't always get Zoey as she is today.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Public Bathrooms

Lets pretend that this is day 23 of some blog challenge that I have been doing. Because I don't want to admit that I'm willingly posting my thoughts about public bathrooms for the world. But, anywho. Here it goes.

Day 23: What are your thoughts on Public Restrooms?

I remember my first day of 1st grade. My teacher showed the class where the big kid bathrooms were. And the were separated into girls and boys bathrooms. Until this point, the entire class shared a single bathroom that was attached to the classroom. This was the first time I realized there was a difference between girls and boys. I didn't understand it, but I just went with it.

I also remember the first time I had to USE the big kid bathrooms. I tried to hold it in all day. I remember this working for a while, but not forever. This was a traumatizing moment in my life. Not only did I have to walk the halls of the school alone, but I also had to figure out how to use the darn toilet. Apparently my mom always flushed for me, because I had no idea that the silver thing around foot height was the flusher. I was probably in there for a good 10 minutes crying because I didn't know what to do. Sad sad day.

It was in this bathroom that I developed a strange habit. Never go in the first stall. Why? Because if you are in a hurry to throw up, you would run into the first one. Apparently, I have been scared of throw up for a long time now.

When I was pregnant I had a hard time switching up my skip the first stall mato. But when you really gotta go for the 50th time in an hour you do not skip over a decently clean stall, because who knows what lies behind door number 2, 3, or 4.  Now that I am very not pregnant, I have returned to my skip the first rule. I think its more of a comfort thing than fear of using the barf toilet. But, perhaps that still lies within me still.

Another "pregnant potty" habit I picked up (and kept) is to not use the initial 2 squares of the tp that is dangling out of the dispenser. In my pregnant head, I didn't want ANYTHING getting ANYWHERE close to my baby. And since who knows who ripped the last piece of toilet paper off, I was not going to get even a micronano droplet of someone's germs on me. So, I ripped it off. Depending on the condition the bathroom was in when I got there decided if I just ripped and dropped (if it was already really messy with toilet paper on the floor), or ripped and flushed (clean floors). Either way,  the part of the toilet paper that I used was only touched by me. That made me feel somewhat in control of what was going on with Zoey.

And so there you have it, my strange thoughts on the public restrooms. Which, apparently is not my first time talking about bathrooms. Which, now that I think about it is kind of an odd thing to talk about. But that is what Day 23 said to do. So I guess it was all fair game.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Artichokes and other stuff

I've come to realize that life isn't going to be all cutesy-wootsy like in the movies. I'm not going to run to my husband at full force and leap gracefully into his arms. You know, life gets in the way too much for that. ....Or the kitchen table. There just isn't enough room in our house to get that good of a running start.

I watch those chick flicks and at those perfect moments when everyone says awwww, and the select few who were graced with over abundant tear ducts are crying away I get a tinge in my heart saying I want that back. Because our whole courtship was one awwww moment after another it seams like. But then I get to thinking, we do have that. More so now than ever. It just manifests itself differently.

We have generally been the type who don't really do much for Valentine's day. (besides when we got engaged, but that's a different story). I've decorated a paper bag to put his lunch in once. That was kind of fun. But nothing tooo out of the ordinary. But this day was different. I was stressed to the max. Actually I'd say above the max. Anywho, I get home and look in the kitchen. And what did Chris cook? An artichoke. You can't say love better than an artichoke. Seriously. It was at that time that I got that heart melting feeling all over again. The fact that I wasn't planning on anything special made it even more special. He is silly like that. Doing things at the most practical time, while being a total surprise.

A friend of mine is going through a major freak out about texting their date back the next day or wait a while. I say don't play around. Don't over analyze. Love is more than just doing things by the book. Its about going with your gut and hoping that their gut is saying the same thing. If you are on the same page, then life will suddenly get a lot more oooie goooie. If you do over analyze, chances are they will too. And that often times doesn't involve good things.

In the end, we have so many people screaming what "love" should be like. It should be what you want it to be, not what others say. We need more than just a cheat sheet of equations to take to this test, because no set of equations are ever alike. (and love should never involve cheating of any kind). No one will ever see love the way you do. And you will probably never see it the same way twice.

This is starting to become a rambling mess. So I think I'm going to end this now. Perhaps something better will come to mind next time. Until then, please enjoy the music while the party is reached.....


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

great news

My week was something like this:

Sunday- work or in scipio. Never at home. or at our home ward.
Monday- Work 8-3:30. School 5-8:30
Tuesday- School 9-1:30 and 4-6
Wednesday- Help Grammy 8-12 Work 3-9
Thursday- School 9-3:30
Friday- School 10-2 Work (sometimes) 3-9
Saturday- work 9-5 or in Scipio or dancing in a performance.

Do you notice anything?

No Zoey Mommy time. No cuddle with the husband. No homework.

I've practically been a walking zombie for the past 2 months. Apparently everyone around me was noticing. Which kind of makes me mad because I was trying hard to appear strong and that it wasn't bothering me.

Well, we sat down and figured out how I can stay home with Zoey. And it worked. With a little help from my family. I'm going to clean my dads house once a week instead of paying him our car insurance. (he pays it in a lump sum every year and we pay him back monthly. Or else we did pay him back monthly).

I gave me two weeks Monday. And since then I have been able to walk around and not be weighed down. I've used the phrase "a weight off my shoulders" many times. But never did I truly understand the weightlessness that comes from that. Its more than a figure of speech.

And so starting in two weeks (the longest two weeks of my life), I won't be the crazy woman trying not to pull her hair out. I'll actually be a mommy again. I'll be able to be a loving wife, who actually cleans. AND I just might pass all my classes now! woot woot!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

just one of those days

Yesterday was one of those days that just don't go right.

First, I can't find my keys. After 20 minutes I looked in my car. It was unlocked. And there were my keys, hidden under Zoey's Kobe Bear. The positive side of me would say how lucky I was that my car was unlocked and didn't get broken into. But the negative me focused on the fact that this made me late for work.

Then, as I was walking in the parking lot at work my foot grazed over a used condom that was on the ground. GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS!!!!!!! There is no positive moments about this....

Then, my car wouldn't turn on during my lunch. Lovely. But it turned on 10 minutes later for some reason. So the positive person would be happy that it did turn on, but the negative side of me is still pretty upset at my car for taking away my precious lunch time.

After work, I can't find anyone to know where Zoey is. So I just go home without my lil baby to leave 50 minutes later for school. Chris put her to bed early before I got home. So I only saw her for the 10 minutes it takes to wake her up, plop her in the car, and drop her off. I need my Zoey fix.

But, on a positive note, this may be the end of a negative chapter in my life. I'm really hoping for all who are involved that this is it.

Also, we found out that Zoey is going to have yet another boyfriend. (this isn't a bad thing, btw). She is the only girl out of all our friends. Maybe its a sign that I'm going to have to give her a sister soon. *Sigh*

Thursday, February 3, 2011

pplz anz dur language

So I have a confession. I watch Teen Mom 2 every week. It just so happens to be on the night that I don't work or have school, and there isn't any other show on. But excuses aside, I watch it weekly. I am not going to comment on some of the girls motherlyness, or lack there of. Because who am I to judge on how to raise a child. What is right for me isn't right for everyone.

That being said, I stooped on the MTV website to watch some of the after shows they have on there. (Yes, I should be studying. Or at least filling out applications.) During this time I scrolled down to read some of the comments people have posted. And all I can say is what are schools teaching people?

We Do Not Need To Capitalize Every Word In A Sentence--Or The Paragraph For That Matter. A simple capital letter at the first of the sentence and other important words such as I will be sufficient. Why on earth would you even want to type like that. I can kinda see if they were handwriting this comment., but Pushing The Shift Button For Every Word Is Freakin Annoying (to both the writer and the reader!).

An plzzzzzzzz, stop makn xcuses 4 not bing able 2 spell. Dis type of riting iz hard 2 read an understadz. I'm all for shortening things to free up 2 seconds of your life, but I would think its harder to come up with cleaver ways to spell stuff. U You are not going to go over your allotted text message space, so you can spell words out. Its ok. I promise you won't die. Or have a stroke. Or get eaten up my fuzzy insects. Use proper English and a spell check. It will make you look a lot more intelligent. (And I say this in the nicest way possible because I am a horrible speller, and have been known to not run spell check before I post something. That can get imbrizin.)

Also, the little button on the bottom row, between the < and the ? obtains the magic power to put your thoughts into one concise sentence. It is sometimes considered a novelty, apparently. But, I have heard that using a period at the end of a sentence is still acceptable in the English language. So repeat after me. A proper sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with punctuation.

I don't know what worries me the most: the fact that people posted this on the Internet knowing that it wasn't right, or positing it on the Internet and not knowing it was wrong and improper. Are schools not teaching people correctly? Because, honestly  the whole capital letter thing should have been taught in first grade, and fixed in every other grade after that. I hope I'm not being naive in saying that my high school education taught me how to write pretty darn well. Why do these poor people not understand this. Or do they, and just not care. Are they being "individuals" by defying the conventions of modern English? Or perhaps its just the English Major coming out in me.

Ok, now that that is off my chest, I can go watch my guilty pleasure. :)