Sunday, July 1, 2012

well well well....sleep

Last weekend I went camping. Yes, at 36 weeks pregnant I was sleeping on the ground with rocks and baby girl kicking me in unknown places. But I figured I don't sleep anyway, I might as well have fun not sleeping. And somehow, as if guarded by a silent magic wand, had my first heartburn free night in months. Thanks goodness.

And that brings me to tonight. Its 2:30 in the morning. And I am awake. I have run out of things to do. While at the time, Olive Garden sounded like a great choice for dinner, my heartburn at the moment is telling me otherwise. I am so tired of sleeping on 5 pillows.

My toddler has been sick this week with first hand foot and mouth, and then an ear infection. So being the pushover mommy I am have let her sleep in our bed if she comes in the middle of the night. And who am I kidding...thats every night. She sleeps just like her daddy. Which means very soundly but with no consideratrion of the person who is sleeping on the last 2 inches of bed with half her body hanging over the side. And so me, in my brilliant sleeping stuppor, decided to sleep in her room on the floor. And for some reason able to sleep better than I have the past month or so. Are you seeing a pattern? In fact, the whole family slept in til 11 the other day. yes. 11. Usually thats when we are thinking about nap time, but we were just getting up. How does that happen?

And so here I am, 9 months in my watermellon suit, slightly wishing I get kicked out of my bed so I can sleep on the ground. I say this even after I have seen 3 spiders roaming around in last couple of days. Now that is saying something.

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