Monday, January 30, 2012


I'll just throw it out there. I have a very odd child. Everything has to be just perfect. Its the most noticeable at bedtime. This is the ritual we have somehow managed to create:

Cuddle time to "relax" but usually it is just a wresting match with daddy.
In her room we read a book, or two, or three....
Call dad (or me if its daddy's turn for bedtime) in for a prayer.
Hugs and Kisses

Ok, so that part is pretty normal. But if we try to do something out of order, she won't have it.

But here is the kicker.

She needs her cow baby (a baby doll in a cow costume) and her naked baby (it is plastic and takes baths) to be lined against the wall.
Her cookie jar (a toy that you put shapes in.) goes on the bottom of her bed.
Her two tiny babies have to be next to each other in a blanket. The other ones don't go in a blanket.
Her laptop toy has to be on her bed somewhere.
She neeeeeeds her cell phone. it goes under her pillow. (she also must take it with her when she goes potty and puts it right outside the door with her Maggie Moo)
All of a sudden she needs her toy mop by her.
She watches a movie to go to sleep. (I know, I know, not my finest parenting moment. But she is scared of the dark and silence, so that was the only way to get her to calm down. Seriously. It all started with her fear of Santa, and everything we did to calm her down, besides having her in our bed, failed and left both Zoey and parents in shambles). Her DVD player goes against the wall up by her pillow. It MUST be plugged in. And the plug MUST be in the outlet by the door, not the plug right by where it is.
She has to sleep with her white quilt with the flowers facing her and the stripes outward.
Then her purple blanket goes on her feet.
She sleeps with Maggie Moo and her pink baby in each arm.

If anything, I mean ANYTHING is out of place it is pointless to think that she will go to sleep. Everything must be in the right place or she just screams that its wrong. Which in her language is "the purple one!!!" meaning she wants something different from its current condition.

Needless to say, I have a very picky child. I love her. But bedtime can get a little crazy sometimes if earlier that day she played in her room and moved everything from her bed and I have to find everything to put in the right location.

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