Thursday, February 16, 2012


I got a new job at a care center as a CNA. So far I really like it, besides the fact of feeling like I can't get it all done by the time I am supposed to clock out. I don't know how the other aids do it. They probably just answer their calls and doesn't even think of answering one that isn't their resident.

I work 2-10 which totally sucks. I have to drop Zdawg off at daycare by 11 so she is there before nap. So that only leaves a few hours to play together. Then I hardly see Chris. But it is only temporary. I am on a list to get to days, but he was only hiring for nights right now.

School is kicking my trash. I feel like I am constantly running a day behind where I should be.

Chris and I had a lovely night out for Valentines. We usually don't make a big deal about it, but I got my first paycheck the day before so we decided to celibrate. We went to a chop chop place and ate yummy expensive food. I did the calculations that it probably equalled to me toileting about 11 people and feeding about 3 at work. lol.  I'm just glad we both had our heads on because a couple next to us said he is "still trying to get over my $150 bill" when asked if he was feeling the saki. (yea, I'm not a drinker, so I don't know how to spell that). Yikes!!! Then we went bowling and I almost broke 100. I have only done that once before and I was truly wishing that that night was the night for a repeat. But I was wrong. I got 93. I was so bummed because the whole time I had a lead or tied with Chris. But I choked at the end. And he didn't. So final score was 93-98. Soooo close.

I am up late finishing an application for a nursing program. Wish me luck!!!!

Zoey got a big girl bed last weekend. And she slept in it aaaaalllll night last night for the first time since before Christmas. Heaven. As much as I love getting kicked and punched in the middle of the night, it was nice to have only fight off Christopher for a night instead of both little bed hogs.

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