Wednesday, May 30, 2012

my pillow

So I have this pillow. We shall name it little pillow. My mom got it at her baby shower for me with a matching blanket. For some reason, I adopted that pillow as my lovely. Some people have security blankets growing up, Zoey has her cow. I, my friends, had a pillow. I couldn't sleep without it growing up. I used to take it everywhere with me in case my house caught on fire. Literally, that's what I thought of. It was pretty important, and I knew my parents wouldn't think to grab it for me if I was gone. When I got to the point that I was going on sleep overs I learned to do without it for a night, but it was hard. And I never slept well.

It has been so used and loved that my grandma resurfaced (? is that the right word) it several times. So as it is now the original whatever it was is under 3 layers of newer material.

I won't lie, I still have it. However, I have a small pillowcase on it to hide the dinosaurs. lol. I can sleep without it no problem, but I am always more comfortable with it. I guess that's what I get after 24 years with the thing.

Anywho, I come to the point of this blog....

 My dear dear daughter has decided that she too must sleep with "Mommy's Pillow." I try to hide it so she doesn't see it, but she generally remembers it and screams for it. And so my little pillow is now my child's. And I'm jealous. And I feel bad, because I don't see her sharing with number two when she is old enough. And so that means she doesn't get the comfort and love that I have grown up with.

And so most nights when I go in and check on her I always see if my pillow is in a place I can steal it. Sometimes I can take it and life is good. Other times I can't, but life is still good, because my little angel is sleeping. And there are few things more precious that a child sleeping just like you did when you were her age.  Besides, this way if there is ever a fire at night I can save my two precious babies in one sweap.

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