Friday, June 3, 2011

playdough, rice crispy treats, and two parks! What more can a lil girl ask for.

Today I woke up kinda early. Ok. it was only 9. But Zo was still asleep so I actually got some stuff done. I did my hair and makeup! That never happens around here. Then I decided to make Zoey some playdough. Its actually really easy! I'm all for easy. AND there is no nastyness in it. Its all edible...not that a bunch of salt, flour, oil, and water actually tastes good.

Zoey woke up around 10:30. Which was heaven since she hasn't been sleeping good and has be on one for the last couple days. I gave her the playdough to play with. She wasn't a fan. She just pushed it out of her way and pretended it wasn't there. But I guess that's ok. I doesn't look all that pretty. And we all know that Zoey loves pretty things. We will try again when she is a little bigger.

Then we got this bright idea to go to the park with the puppy. Then we got an even greater idea to go to the park with Connor. He is a little boy who was born roughly 1455 minutes after Zoey. I went to school with his mom, Bridget, back in the day, but she was a grade above me. Then we became facebook friends when we were pregnant and started reading each other's blogs. We have wanted to get them together for a while, especially since he is obsessed with cows like Zo.

So we went to the park. Zoey was strange and just wanted to be help or sit on my lap. Connor on the other hand was having a fabulous time running everywhere. She was the smart mommy and brought a camera. So you can see the fabulous playdate here. You will laugh. She is pretty darn funny. And Connor is a cutie.
But you can see for yourself.

We got home and surprised dad with so rice crispy treats. I have been having a hankerin for some crispy rice mallow goodness for a while now. So I figured today would be a perfect day.

Zo actually liked this part of the day. Go figure. Bribe her with food and she is golden.

(Yes, I stuck a fork in it and called it done. ha ha ha ha. I am one funny person.)

We ended the day with a "big salad" (also known as a salad with anything I can find that is salad like. Today it was chicken, bacon, saltine crackers (Its a hubby thing...but pretty good actually!) and cucumber.) and some worn out children.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great day and the perfect reason to leave your job!


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