Saturday, August 27, 2011


So I realized I should mention that I may be a bit absent from now on out.

I got a new job. Not only that, its a full time job. 8-4 Monday through Friday. Its the first time I have ever had a full time job. I've worked full time hours between my two part time jobs I have had several times. But never all in one place. But never while I have been a mama. So it is a bit of an adjustment juggling the whole working mom thing.

Not only did I get a new job, Zo started to go to "school." This has also been an adjustment. Probably more so for me that it is for her. She screams when I leave her, but Chris says she always is hesitant to leave when he picks her up. And they give her crackers in the morning. I found this out when she woke up this morning and thats the first thing she asked for. But she has blossomed. She is a lot more vocal than before. And last night we played with one of our couple friends who have a little boy a few months older than Zo and they played wonderfully.For the first time. So as much as I hate having to give her to other people to take care of while I am gone, I love that it is helping her by being with lots of kids.

I never knew that I would love a job as much as I love this one. Its my first CNA job, and it is just perfect. I go to this man's house and hang out with him all day. I wanted to do home care because I hated the assembly line feel at a nursing home. I get to actually help him. Make a difference more than just change their clothes and wheel them to the dining room. I was actually kind of sad when I said my good byes yesterday, knowing that it would be 2 whole days without going there. I love having days off and being able to just spend time with my family, but part of me misses my job. How cool is that?! I found a job after months of not working that I just love. Perfect. I know that I have been put here to help people. And this has truly shown me that nursing really is my calling.

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