Thursday, February 3, 2011

pplz anz dur language

So I have a confession. I watch Teen Mom 2 every week. It just so happens to be on the night that I don't work or have school, and there isn't any other show on. But excuses aside, I watch it weekly. I am not going to comment on some of the girls motherlyness, or lack there of. Because who am I to judge on how to raise a child. What is right for me isn't right for everyone.

That being said, I stooped on the MTV website to watch some of the after shows they have on there. (Yes, I should be studying. Or at least filling out applications.) During this time I scrolled down to read some of the comments people have posted. And all I can say is what are schools teaching people?

We Do Not Need To Capitalize Every Word In A Sentence--Or The Paragraph For That Matter. A simple capital letter at the first of the sentence and other important words such as I will be sufficient. Why on earth would you even want to type like that. I can kinda see if they were handwriting this comment., but Pushing The Shift Button For Every Word Is Freakin Annoying (to both the writer and the reader!).

An plzzzzzzzz, stop makn xcuses 4 not bing able 2 spell. Dis type of riting iz hard 2 read an understadz. I'm all for shortening things to free up 2 seconds of your life, but I would think its harder to come up with cleaver ways to spell stuff. U You are not going to go over your allotted text message space, so you can spell words out. Its ok. I promise you won't die. Or have a stroke. Or get eaten up my fuzzy insects. Use proper English and a spell check. It will make you look a lot more intelligent. (And I say this in the nicest way possible because I am a horrible speller, and have been known to not run spell check before I post something. That can get imbrizin.)

Also, the little button on the bottom row, between the < and the ? obtains the magic power to put your thoughts into one concise sentence. It is sometimes considered a novelty, apparently. But, I have heard that using a period at the end of a sentence is still acceptable in the English language. So repeat after me. A proper sentence starts with a capital letter and ends with punctuation.

I don't know what worries me the most: the fact that people posted this on the Internet knowing that it wasn't right, or positing it on the Internet and not knowing it was wrong and improper. Are schools not teaching people correctly? Because, honestly  the whole capital letter thing should have been taught in first grade, and fixed in every other grade after that. I hope I'm not being naive in saying that my high school education taught me how to write pretty darn well. Why do these poor people not understand this. Or do they, and just not care. Are they being "individuals" by defying the conventions of modern English? Or perhaps its just the English Major coming out in me.

Ok, now that that is off my chest, I can go watch my guilty pleasure. :)

1 comment:

  1. It bothers me too. Of course, my typing isn't perfect, but it is a whole hell of a lot better than most people. "Their," "they're" and "there" really bug me. Same with "aloud" instead of "allowed." Yep. I'm with you.


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