Friday, November 12, 2010

Baby Hungry

Yesterday we found out that 2 of my husband's friend's wives are expecting a baby. They are 3 weeks apart from each other. I am really happy for them. They deserve to have the blessing of a baby. Especially with the unique challenges they both have faced in the last couple years.

As soon as Z Dawg turned 1 I kinda got bit by the baby bug and can't wait for another. One might even say I'm baby hungry. But, I really don't like that phrase. It reminds me of this...

And since I don't want that guy running around, I'll just congratulate the lucky girls who defeated this monster, wish them luck in this amazing journey, and hopefully wait until I'm done with school in 5000 years to see him again.


  1. Thanks!!! I knew someone would enjoy it. :)

  2. Hmm, you're not the 1st blog I've seen talking about the baby itch. Must be that time of year- or the baby bug is out in full force biting it's unaware victims. hehe :p

    We have 3 girls and I can say with about 99% confidence that we're done having babies now. Kind of sad to say, but I think our family is complete. :)


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