Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Today, I got in a fight with a spider.

We gave Zoey a bath last night and I didn't put her bath toys up. So this morning when I went to take a shower I turned on the water, and out crawled a big ol spider from amongst the toys. I squealed. I'm pretty happy that no one (AKA as my husband) was home to make fun of me.

Anyways, as the spider was frantically trying to climb out of the tub I slowly picked up all the toys to make sure there were no more hidden spiders in there. Thankfully I only had to fight one today. I then turned on the shower part and tried to drown it. It worked. He was all crumpled up and not moving. Score! So I turned off the water and let it drain.

Then before my eyes, he unraveled himself and came back alive. I screamed again. Now, I had not only a huge spider in my tub, but an eternally living MAD spider in my tub. Great.

Now what was I going to do, he obviously won't drown in the water like I hoped. I could easily smoosh him, but then had to figure out how to get spider off the side of a wet tub. A paper towel would get soggy and break, leaving me to pick him off with my bare hands. No Sir-y.  So maybe if I let the tub fill with water.... I try that and he just goes into the little" pretend I'm dead" ball then try to frantically climb out once he floated to the wall. So I finally figured out what to do! Burn him. I feel really bad, but I turned on the water as hot as it could go (which is pretty hot because Chris turned up our tiny water heater so we could actually have enough hot water to take a shower). All of a sudden I saw his little legs twitch. With that I tried to find a shoe close by to put him out of his misery. I'm not a heartless spider killer. But, I was scared to let him out of my sight in fear of him mutating to an even madder spider. So I grabbed my shampoo bottle and had it over my head to get him. But then he changed from a "pretend I'm dead" ball to a "really truly dead" ball. So I turned off the water, and watched him swoosh down the drain.

I took my long needed shower, watching the drain entire time to make sure he didn't come alive once again.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha. I would have done the EXACT same thing, watching the drain and all! I'm paranoid like that. I hate spiders! Glad you won without really getting anywhere near it!


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