Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 11 Something People Complement you on

I'm skipping a few days. I feel like they are a little to personal to be sharing with the entire universe. I've learned something about blogging after "accepting the challenge:" Always read the challenge in its entirety before committing to it. I realize now, that some of them are kind of out there. And they swear. You really don't need to know who has made my life bad or who I have drifted away from. Its not like you know them, and even if you do I don't want you to think differently or anything about someone because you read some lowly little blog known as The Journey of a WAHM Wannabe. That's not cool.

So on to day 11. (besides I was pretty behind, so skipping these days puts me pretty close to where I should be in the first place.)

I get complements on being so tiny after having a baby. And I know 99.9% of you mothers are going to shake your head at me for saying this, but....I really don't feel like it is a fair complement. I only gained 17 pounds. I had diabetes and a few other various health issues that made me gain very little. So after giving birth I only had 4 pounds to loose before getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Breastfeeding made that pretty simple. So I feel guilty when people look at me and say things about me being so tiny yet having a 1 year old. (Oh, gosh. I still can't believe i have a 1 year old, I think its going to take a year to get used to this idea). I didn't work to get this, and I know mothers who work their butts off to get back to where they were before having their baby with little success. They are the ones that deserve the complement. Not me.

But for all you who find themselves with gestational diabetes, remember its not a death sentence even though it may feel like it. You potentially will gain less than 20 pounds and loose it all  within the first week of being a mommy. :) There is an upside to that battle.

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