Sunday, July 11, 2010


Zo has been on a mommy fix lately. With EEEEEVVVVEEERRRYYYYY thing. I can't even put her down to wash my hands without her screaming for me. I try to give her to the hubby and she just squirms her way to try to get back to me. While I love the fact that I am the greatest person in the world to you, there are other great people that love you too, Zoey. I have this constant dilemma when I'm home alone: do I cuddle and play with Zoey all day and keep her happy, or do I leave and do the dishes, potty, laundry and let her cry and cry. I generally choose the first one, but then I get a husband who doesn't understand why dirty clothes are literally crawling out of our bedroom.

On another mommy/daughter note, Zoey has started to give kisses. However, basically every kiss involves her biting our lips. Those little teeth hurt!!! I don't know what to do. Do I tell her no, and then have her not give kisses anymore until she understands there is no teeth involved? Do I not do anything about her biting kisses of death? (Seriously, you should see how big her mouth gets when she is going in for the kill.... I mean kiss.) But, I'm afraid if I don't do anything that she will start biting at other times besides kisses. She already has started this, and I try to discipline her accordingly. And the random biting, and giving kisses started around the same time. So, it could be her random bitings are supposed to be kisses, and to her she is just doing what we have taught her. Can you see how this is a huge dilemma in my life?? Who knew parenting could be so hard. Ha ha ha ha

Advice of any kind is greatly appreciated! :)

1 comment:

  1. Connor was doing the same thing and what I did was this: I'd stop him, put my finger on his mouth or something gentle like that and tell him "be nice", then kiss him real lightly, and let him try again. it took a couple of days, but he got it. "be nice" also works when instead of petting the cat, he wants to pat, very enthusiastically. then I say "no baby, kitties are not drums!" like he totally knows what a drum is.


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