Wednesday, July 7, 2010

kick start

I have to admit, I'm a sucker for mom blogs. I like to stick to the cute craft ones, or the funny ones. But every once in a while, I find a heartrenching one that I read and cry for hours with. I feel strange reading about someones agony on loosing a child. Where is the justice? It makes me want to be a stay at home mommy even more, so I don't have to miss precious time with Zoey. Now, I guess if you take our my time at school, I'm practically a stay at home mom since my hours at work are minimal. So, why don't I just continue on my plan I started a few months ago with this and make it work?


  1. You can do it Alicia! That sounded less corny in my head. You can though. You had a great plan! And, so you know, you have a reader that wants to see you reach your goal :)

  2. I'm glad I have someone behind me! Mommyhood really makes you want to change your life, doesn't it? :)


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