Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 1: Something you hate about yourself.

Oh boy, any to start off with something uplifting.

There are a few things that I don't like about myself. One, I have a hard time keeping to one task. I get distracted. So it takes FOOOORRRREEEEVVVEEEERRRRRRRRRR to do things. Especially housework. Or shopping. Or homework. Or Showers. You get the point. I have been diagnosed with ADD so that may have something to do with it. But I don't know if I really trust that diagnosis because he said a lot of other crap too. And I was at a crazy place. And yada yada yada about that. But it definitely makes sense.

Anywho, back to keeping on one task...I totally just realized I went off track there for a bit. I guess that just shows you that I'm not making this up. :)....anywho again, I hate how off track I get. I really wish I could say I'm going to clean the kitchen and it be done in 10 minutes like it would my husband. He doesn't understand how it takes me so long to get small things done, and, frankly, I don't either. It drives me nuts, and I really wish I could change it.

I have realized that sometimes, ok, more than sometimes, Facebook gets in my way and I stop what I'm doing and go see if someone said anything new. But, as you know because of my death to facebook post, I have since gotten rid of it. So, technically it hasn't gotten in my way of things nearly as much as before. However, I have yet to remember that its pointless to sign in my Facebook, and I log in at least once a day.

So there you have it, I hate my distractable mind and my lack of a mind when it comes to signing in to Facebook. :)

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